Vikram Kapoor

Conflict Resolution Consultant & Programme Coordinator

Vikram (Vik) Kapoor is a part-time consultant in the office and has served as an Ombudsman for the US Federal Government (at FEMA and the Department of the Interior). He also has engaged in casework for the constituents that the office serves, and he helped to build (with Tamar) the Respectful Workplace Facilitator (RWF) program – a network of peer conflict coaches across three agencies and dozens of country offices. Vik is an ICF-certified professional coach as well as an attorney by background. He was previously an adjunct professor of dispute resolution and a trainer for senior diversity practitioners who wish to leverage their skills through coaching. He has training in trauma recovery from Harvard and applied positive psychology from the Flourishing Center. Though he focuses on conflict coaching and group facilitation, Vik began his career in dispute resolution as a court mediator and later served as class counsel in dozens of high-value mediations. When Vik is not reading the latest research, he is hopelessly chasing after his young son (and globetrotting wife).