Patience Chiradza is a peacebuilding and conflict resolution practitioner with over ten years’ experience in conflict resolution, mediation and dialogue facilitation. She served in the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission of Zimbabwe (2016-2021). She led the thematic area on Conflict Prevention and Non- Recurrence which involved putting in place an infrastructure for conflict prevention and peacebuilding through peace committees, dialogue platforms, a Dispute Resolution Unit as well as the Conflict Early Warning Early Response mechanism. She was also responsible for interparty dialogue facilitation, as well as mediation processes.
Before joining the Commission, Patience Chiradza was the National Coordinator for the Joint Monitoring and Implementation Committee (JOMIC), a creation of the Global Political Agreement of 2008. Her work involved providing conflict resolution services, and facilitating the dialogue in the communities.
Patience holds MSC International Relations, Masters in Business Administration and a Bachelor of Science Honours in Politics and Administration. She has trained in conflict resolution and mediation with the Clingendael Institute, UNITAR, Swisspeace, FemWise-Africa as well as Interaction Management Associates.