This User’s Guide describes the role of the Office in supporting effective conflict resolution and collaboration among the workforce members, with particular focus on the Office’s enhanced capacity for timely, effective provision of top-quality, confidential mediation services…
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The purpose of this Code of Conduct (“Code”) is to ensure that all mediators of the Global Mediation Panel of the Office of Ombudsman for the United Nations Funds and Programmes (“Office”) are guided by a single set of ethical rules and principles…
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The undersigned parties (“Parties”) agree to mediate in good faith the issues between them and to abide by the mediation process…
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Meeting your expectations is important to us. We appreciate you taking a few minutes to participate in our evaluation survey. Your feedback will help us serve you better. Thank you!
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What is mediation? Mediation is a voluntary, informal, and confidential process, which takes place with the consent of all parties involved…
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